Brool brool (n.) : a low roar; a deep murmur or humming

Ad-hoc Wireless on Chromebooks / Dell CB 13

 |  chromeos reviews

Doing Nanowrimo again, and had given away my Toshiba CB 2 to someone who could use it more than me, so instead picked up a refurbished Dell CB 13 (i3, 4GB, 32GB SSD) on sale from the Dell depot.

What an amazing machine. A beautiful 1920x1080 screen, keyboard that is backlit and has nice tactile feedback, a trackpad that is silky smooth and feels as good as the Mac trackpads, and overall the machine performs really well (Octane about 20k). Speakers are decent as well, although maybe a bit scratchy at the upper volume ranges. Nonetheless, the price / performance ratio on this machine is ridiculously high.

Anyway, I ended up needing to create an ad-hoc wireless network with the Chromebook, and it was not obvious how to do it on a quick search. Creating an ad hoc network does not require Crouton but does require developer mode.

Turn off wireless, and go into shell (updated):

sudo ip link set wlan0 down
sudo iw wlan0 set type ibss
sudo ip link set wlan0 up
sudo iw wlan0 ibss join test 2437
sudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask

The mysterious 2437 in the fourth line is the channel frequency; use iw reg get to see the legal frequencies for your county.

Obviously, pick whatever SSID / IP / netmask you want. Also, this is an unsecured link, which was fine for my purposes (since I was just running an SSH tunnel through it anyway) but you may want to run wpa_supplicant for WPA.


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